
The internet should have been much better than in the past, with more stable connection, reliable security, faster speed, and mainly everything affordable for everyone, but somehow, something precious is missing... or rather to say, buried, when it was there in the past, the time when everyone was amateur but passionate, creating homepage in the web to share their interests, and put a piece of themselves into it, not for job opportunities, or business. It is not lost and it can be found again by collective participation and exploration, and I wish to join the force.

Being one of the nerds at school, I was always grateful for the existence of computer and the internet, that I could access to information. I liked to explore materials to learn various softwares without waiting for my computer teacher to introduce to us. In early 2000s, I hosted my first homepage in Geocities JP. It was fun to play with various themes and designs for my homepage.

That was an old story though.

Despite my passion about science, I am also fascinated by history and ended up in humanities. I studied Religious studies and Philosophy for my first degree and then pursued Japanese Studies for my postgraduate. I learnt to skim tons of information and make analysis out of it. I became good at it and mainly, enjoyed it a lot.

Theory cannot be totally extracted from practice. I resigned my job and then travelled from Hong Kong through Siberia to the UK by land in 2015 summer. I wished to experience different culture and understand people more. I made connection with various encounters, working as waitress at busy restaurant, babysitter, carer, sale assistant at supermarket and machine operator in manufacturing sector.

In 2021 summer, thanks to a friend, I hesitantly decided to resume my exploration to technology through freeCodeCamp. Deeper I digged into it, more amazed by the drastic changes over these years. After almost a year of self taught journey, here I am, I joined my coding bootcamp offered by Northcoders to learn with other peers and mentors.


Humanity can get this far because we learnt from experience and pass our knowledge around and to next generation. Despite my long pause in technology, I gained various experience in my life and I believe I could apply mine into programming.

The internet has been improved over these years in many aspects and that's all thanks to our constant search for betterness. I aspire to instill the insight gained from my study in humanities and my experience with people into any projects I work for, to add more colours into this vast boundaryless community.

Ultimately, I wish to encourage everyone to join with me, to embrace the internet which should belong to everyone, to express themselves and creativity.


  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • NodeJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • React
  • Next
  • Vue
  • D3
  • MongoDB
  • jest
  • cypress
  • Git
  • SASS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Styled Components

Fun Facts about Me

  • My first homepage was hosted in Geocities Hong Kong in 2001.
  • I self learned HTML soon after being introduced Dreamweaver, was amazed how much more effective compared with using GUI.
  • My favourite gaming console was: Gameboy => Super Nintendo (SNES) => Saturn => PC
  • I chose SEGA Saturn over PlayStation and after half a year, SEGA announced that they would stop making gaming console.. I could not believe the news back then.
  • When I was 10, my summer holiday was from 10am to 2am playing TV games, for a whole month.
  • The House of Zombies is one of few horror games I can play without having an urge to commit suicide.